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22 things the web couldn’t exist without in 1998

If users think back to 17 years ago, they will remember a lot of terrible “improvements” that could not be missing from the WWW pages of that time.

So let’s take a nostalgic look at what “experiences” the webmasters of that time provided us with. We are in 1998, when Flash, which is so (un)popular today, did not yet exist and website creators tried to breathe action and movement into their pages at almost any cost.

1. Free hosting with site editor
The first thing you need to present yourself, your opinions or products is of course web hosting. The professional one was priced significantly higher than it is today, which is why services such as Geocities and Tripod were booming (later came the Czech MujWeb.cz, which was followed by others). They offered space on the server for free, but in return they inserted intrusive banners into the pages, or even worse, javascript bars that annoyed the life of all visitors. The era of the first online HTML page editors also began, which enthusiastic users used to directly create incredibly colorful mixtures of headings, texts and objects. Visitors, especially those who had a feeling for aesthetics or graphics, were much less pleased with the end result.

2. The perfect pseudonym

If you want visitors to take your site seriously, you need the perfect nickname. Everyone can meet such a Josef Novák in real life, but on the web it is necessary to appear under an alter ego! How about ViRu, hAx0r or CYBER_BATMAN_2000? Under such a pseudonym, the site administrator seems much more important and serious

What’s more important than the mere fact that you’ve just launched your website? Take the time to create a page where you tell all potential visitors that the site is under construction. No way – I’d rather repeat it again NEVER get down to business before you have information ready for your visitors that the site is hard at work. Of course, you can’t forget the animated traffic sign with a stick figure uk mobile phone number data digging a trench and other nice animated GIFs telling visitors “UNDER CONSTRUCTION.” It’s not enough to say it once, twice, or three times – the more the merrier!

Site under construction

phone number data

5. Ideal resolution and browser
Be sure to notify your visitors that “This site is optimized for Internet Explorer and 1024×768 resolution.” Of course, make the browser name a clickable link so that the user can strategies are not mutually exclusive download and install the only correct program. Everyone can handle setting the desired resolution, and if they have an older monitor, you might motivate them to buy a newer one that can handle your pages! For users, this bz lists will certainly be the main reason to throw away the end-of-life hardware. Optimizing for other browsers and resolutions is unnecessary – it’s up to the user to adjust to view your masterpiece.

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