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9 New HubSpot Features and Use Cases

However, if you are targeting a larger market, with thousands of potential accounts, it is obvious that you cannot create a specialized marketing plan for each one of them, as it would take a lot of time and money. If this is your case, the best methodology you can use is Inbound Marketing .

Inbound Marketing and ABM, together?

The essence of both methodologies lies in choosing a specific target on which to focus all the content in order to ultimately achieve its conversion . ABM will provide you with greater personalization while Inbound Marketing will allow you to reach a larger audience. By combining the two methodologies, you can be more profitable and efficient.

Context is the epicenter of both methodologies; if you know the problems engineer database your buyer personas are facing , you will be able to provide a solution. This will make you more effective in the following areas.



Alignment between marketing and sales


both ABM and Inbound Marketing need to align both areas. Sharing buyer personas and strategies for each profile is essential for developing acquisition and nurturing programs from the marketing team, and consolidating including keywords that potential buyers can sales from the sales team.
Specialized and well-targeted content: for both inbound marketing and ABM, content is key. Creating specialized content in line with your Buyer Personas, and in accordance with each specific stage of the Buyer’s Journey , will make it easier to close the sale.

Greater customer retention


If you have acquired a customer but they are not japan data satisfied, it is very likely that you will never hear from them again. With the ABM and Inbound methodology, you can get a deeper understanding of each of your customers, thus offering them personalization and, consequently, greater loyalty.

So, our advice is to use both methodologies at the same time to achieve better results. Get in touch with us and we will help you make it possible.

We are HubSpot Diamond partners , experts in Inbound Marketing and ABM strategies.


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