As a form of segmentation to communicate with your target audience. And how to define personas?
Defining personas
The definition of a persona is bas on real data about your customers’ behavior and characteristics, as well as the creation of their personal stories, motivations, goals, challenges and concerns. It is a great recommendation not to rely on imagination and to conduct investigative interviews with customers and Leads themselves. And be careful! Many people confuse persona with target audience, but they are not synonymous.
Let’s look at a practical example
Target audience: women, ag 35 to 60, marri, with higher ucation, with an average monthly income of R$5,000. They canada email list intend to travel abroad. Persona: Juliana, 40 years old, marri, has one or more children and is looking for travel destinations that have good infrastructure for the family. When defining your personas, remember to map out questions such as:
• Who is the potential client (physical and
psychological characteristics)?
• What kind of subject would interest this person?
• What are the most common activities he/she
performs (personally and professionally)?
• What is his her level of ucation
What are his/her challenges
and obstacles?
• What kind of information does he/she consume and in
which mia?
Influences his/her decisions?
• What problems does he/she face on a daily basis?
• How do these problems affect him/her?
How to define the offer you will advertise
Once you have defin your collaboration tools the recent pace of persona, the next step is to think about which offer will interest these people. The idea here is to understand your audience’s buying moment and think adb directory about which offers will best fit different cases. And to understand how these different moments work, you ne to understand the following: not everyone who visits your company’s website or blog is ready to opt for your service.