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Automatic JavaScript problem detection with ESLint

When I write JavaScript , I spend a lot of time fixing embarrassing basic errors. It often happens that I rename a variable, test the application, and then find out that I forgot to rename the variable in one place. Or I rename some functions and the same thing happens to me. I make a typo somewhere, and then I waste time clicking back and forth in the browser.

I always feel the same way – how come I keep making these kinds of mistakes? I’ve been programming for over fifteen years, yet this still happens to me.

 I love ESLint so much

It’s the same as programming together with someone who pays more attention to such things than I can. “Oops, you forgot to rename this again”. “Look, definitely don’t do it like that”.

ESLint is a tool that analyzes the code and points out the problem spots it finds. It looks for errors, areas that can potentially cause trouble. It draws attention to bad coding style as well as stylistic issues. But the best thing about it is that its configuration  is poland phone number data highly customizable, so if you don’t agree with something it’s doing, you can tell it to stop doing it.

Let me demonstrate with a real-world example the benefits you can get when you use ESLint.

Installation and configuration

You must first install ESLint before you can continue. Similar to many current JS tools, you’ll need nodejs . Once you have it ready, run the

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npm install -g eslint

You will then have the eslint program available from the command line.

A specific example
To explain the benefits of ESLint, I’ll show a real-world example from a codebase I’ve been working on. Let’s walk inweb specialists have their own database of through the code and see where and how ESLint could make our lives easier.

A sample JavaScript file is listed below. Don’t worry about AngularJS being used here – you’ll be able to bw lists use the demonstrated procedures for any library or framework.

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