Home » Computer on the plane? Understand the rules in 2 minutes

Computer on the plane? Understand the rules in 2 minutes

Yes. In the vast majority of cases, you are welcome to use your computer during the flight. Note, however, that internet is rarely available on the trip, so you must download entertainment before boarding the plane.

Yes, you are welcome


to use the laptop during the flight. The same applies to devices such as mobiles and tablets.

You just have to be aware that you must not be connected to the new zealand phone number data internet during take-off and landing. And in

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most cases, you must not have your mobile or computer on your lap or in your hand at all while taking off and landing.

During these times, simply place the computer and mobile in your hand luggage or under the seat in front of you or under your own seat.

Can computers be damaged

No. Equipment used at the airport to screen baggage cannot damage or affect electronic equipment. Lufthans scanners use X-rays, which do not affect computers, tablets and mobile phones.

The technology used to check the luggage is called “electromagnetic radiation” (also called X-ray).

There are no components or parts of computers, tablets and phones that can be damaged or affected by these rays.

The reason you’re often asked to move your laptop or tablet is for something else.

It is for the simple reason that you are made of metal. As a result, their machine cannot see through them and see what is on the other side. So to avoid you hiding something on the other side of the computer, you have to put the computer and the tablet by themselves.

Without them lying next to other objects.

Why do you have to switch your mobile phone to flight mode on the plane?
It may seem crazy that you have to switch off mobile data and social media increasingly represents roaming on your mobile phone during departure on the plane. One would think that it cannot affect the aircraft’s necessary functions and electronics, and there is also another explanation.

Here is the explanation.

The reason must be found in a completely different place. Let’s say there rich data are 200 people in the cabin of the plane. If all these people have mobile data activated on their mobile phones, all these devices will constantly try to connect to a Mobile Tower.

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