Home » Copied? iOS 12 features that are also available on Android

Copied? iOS 12 features that are also available on Android

During WWDC 2018, new features were introduced, such as iOS12, measures, augmented reality games for Big Apple tables and “memojis”, etc. And some of these features are known to the public that uses Android devices. Let’s find out what they are?
In addition to the reveal of iOS 12, new features for it were also announced. But before I start this article, I want to ask you an easy favor. Read this article with the following mindset: “No one is better than anyone else.” Do we have a deal? Okay.

Well, everything that ends up being

copied” is because it has something good to become an inspiration. Want an example? What do the Mission Impossible films and the Bourne franchise have in common with 007?

“They are action movies.” Yes, clearly (and I like them all inclusive)But not only that. These two films are inspired by 007, chaos happens, a guy to solve it and everything. So, are any of them bad? Maybe, that’s up to each person to their own taste. But we can’t help but say that they were inspired.

In technology, this is no different. When Apple announced new features for iOS12 during WWDC , there was talk that a company (in this case Apple) copied its direct competitor, Android .

* Editor’s note * – “ Yes, there are many things in this world that we can use the tone “Nothing is created, everything is copied”, but when we talk about technologies, the discussion is more in-depth. However, speaking exactly about this case, each one has its audience and both something launched by Apple and something for the Android audience that can bring fun and a lack of market monopolization is healthy for us consumers. Think about it, if there were only Apple or Google in the world, what would the race be like to see who comes up with new innovative projects in the technology field the fastest ? ”

And what about the features that Apple

Yes, you can find this feature in poland phone number data Android P. And it will allow you to generate a report of your weekly activities. Not to mention the time manager where you will know how much time you spend using each application on your iPhone.

phone number data

Apple has had animated emojis inweb specialists have their own database of for its phones since the iPhone X. Animojis, as they are known, are just animated stickers that come installed on the phone. In iOS 12, the company will now allow you to create your own characters.

The improved iPhone photo app by lists will now offer suggestions when sharing your photos, new adjustment options and a search by terms. Something very similar to Android P.

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