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Digitalization that Changes Business Patterns

We are a society driven by digital technology. As a result, there are countries where people do not have clean water, but have smartphones. Digital marketing has a tremendous impact on people’s

As such, companies today ne to have a solid. Snderstanding of how to leverage the digital. Dniverse to maximize their brand awareness and impact. In this article, we look at the 9 biggest . Days that digital marketing has chang and continues to change the way businesses and brands operate.

Instant Communication

Interacting with potential customers today is as easy as turning the palm of your hand. Social mia plays a vital role, allowing companies to interact with people in public places, providing a channel to promote products, services and messages transparently.

One-on-one messaging and private group chats are all the rage right now. Facebook Messenger has 900 million global users, andrs now spend more time on the messaging app than o australia telegram data n their social media. To capitalize on this growing market, companies ne to be smart about introducing ways to connect and market to potential customers through these types of apps.

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Content Overload

How much content is being distribut through social mia and mes including keywords that potential buyers can saging apps today? The answer is a huge amount, so much so that it has been coin the term content shock. Every 60 seconds 3.3 million people post on Facebook, and 29 million messages are sent via WhatsApp. That means marketers have to work harder if they want to get their mess cz lists age and brand notic by the people using these apps.


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