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Distribution channels are no longer a problem today

In the past, it was very difficult to be found. Often, the only way to find out about new companies was to walk past their branch or look in the  Distribution channels  Yellow Pages. As a result, most people simply stayed loyal to certain companies because switching was too much effort.

Nowadays, however, everything is connected online. That’s why you can find almost any company simply on Google by entering a few search terms.

Why was that the end of the advertising Distribution channels ?
Advertising has long since lost its effectiveness. After all, it is mostly just annoying anyway.

Because who hasn’t experienced this: You want to list of mobile phone numbers watch a YouTube video or your favorite series and then a pop-up pops up somewhere or you’re interrupted by an advert. It’s almost strange that those who made this ad actually expect customers to be happy about it. And ideally go online straight away to buy the product in question.

Especially since we are constantly being bombarded with advertising, we usually just ignore it instead of developing an interest in the product.

What replaces the old marketing mix?

Since the 4Ps were very self-centered and ignored the wishes of the customer, Robert f. Lauerborn proposed other guidelines in 1990, the 4Cs :

  1. Consumer:
    Don’t focus on the product, but on the benefits it brings to the consumer. The goal should not be to produce something that you yourself like. Instead, you first analyze the market and find out what the target group actually wants and what added value it offers them.
  2. Cost:
    Really take into account all the costs that the crm systems: the most ımportant functions customer incurs. Non-monetary disadvantages such as overcoming oneself or conflicts of conscience should also be taken into account. This also includes products that the customer must already Distribution channels own in order to be able to use your product. Video games are an example. If you offer a certain title, the customer must already own the corresponding console.
  3. Convenience:
    Nowadays, easy availability is the more important bottleneck. It must be ensured. So you no longer think: “Where is it best for me to offer the product because I get the best profit margin there?” Instead, ask yourself: “Which platform is easiest for my customer to use? Where is the effort particularly low for them?”
  4. Communication:
    In the past, the respective target group was bombarded with advertising. At that time, dialogue was also not possible, as customer feedback rarely reached the company. Today, however, things are different. After all, there are numerous ways to express your opinion online. You can easily enter into a dialogue with your customers via these sites and social media, thereby building a productive relationship.

Lauerbach’s model already covers a lot and is particularly well suited to the advent of the Internet. In addition, a more current concept from this time will be presented here.

SAVE – an attempt to rescue the marketing mix

According to a study published in Harvard Business, the 4Ps are not completely outdated. Instead, they just need to be slightly adjusted to be up to date again.

In the new interpretation they are called:

  1. Solution (Product)
    Keep your focus on the problem the customer wants to solve with the product. Anything beyond that is just ballast.
  2. Access (Place)
    Provide the customer with as much information as possible about the product and your company, using social media, online sites or brochures.
  3. Value (Price)
    When calculating prices, you should not malaysia data just focus on the production costs or the profit margin. What matters to the customer is that the product really offers them added value. If this is particularly high and unique, they will even pay a higher price than that charged by the competition.
  4. Education (Promotion)
    Instead of placing simple advertisements, it is better to use what is known as inbound marketing. Customers are not bombarded and annoyed by commercials, but instead they receive high-quality content that conveys knowledge or entertains.
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