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Don’t start the week the way you end it (#finallymonday)

It’s Sunday and we’ve just put the kids to bed. Now we have to cross our fingers that we can go into rest mode. It’s been an intense day. We got up at 5 in the morning so that I could run the Murcia marathon. In the end it was one of my worst races in terms of time and probably the one where I suffered the most to get to the finish line. Despite everything it was worth it. Ricardo told me today on Twitter that running a marathon is already something epic and I agree that you have to see it that way. I’ll tell you all about it in detail on maratoniano.es so as not to bore you with this topic any more.

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I finished the work week last Friday with great  usa telegram data    excitement and a little fear of the new challenge that awaited me. The idea was to set a new personal best but I had a feeling that it was going to be difficult. I just saw photos of myself before the start and despite having slept almost 7 hours, the accumulated tiredness was noticeable on my face.

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I was a bit stressed out having to combine a day working until 1 in the morning, training sessions, having time with the kids after work and being almost half a day off work because the whole family had the flu, cough and other things. Losing half a day may not seem like much but when  retailing in india: facts and emerging trends   you are on a time limit it really blows your spirits .

I think I’m rambling on. Back to what I was saying. Despite everything, I finished the week with time to plan the next one. Lately I always do everything possible and impossible to get an overview of the most important tasks and set first priorities when the week ends. This makes the beginning of the    malaysia data   next one much smoother because you don’t keep rushing like you did on Friday until the last moment .

My experience over the last few years

has been that if you work until the last minute to finish tasks, you lose the opportunity to gain in effectiveness. Mondays are the worst for most people because they want to finish all the tasks they haven’t managed to finish before in these 8-12 hours they have available. In my case, I’m happy again like a little kid when Monday comes because I can continue working on projects. I can’t get many items off my list on this day. It’s not meant for that. It helps me plan the whole week and work from Tuesday to Thursday without distractions to get it done. If things go wrong, I have to carry over part of it to Friday, which can have a negative impact on Monday.

The mistake is thinking you have 5 days a week to complete tasks . If you are a freelancer without a partner and children, you probably think you have 7. Maybe this would be good for you .

The mistake is to use the whole week to finish the list. Monday is for coordinating, Tuesday to Thursday for tasks and Friday for planning. Everything you have to do can be done in 3 days. Now it will seem impossible. It is time to think about it so you can surprise yourself that maybe it is possible.

This is how it worked for me

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