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Ecosystems manage risks to avoid vishing

The integrator offers solutions to combat fraudulent phone calls intend to steal confidential information.
An increasingly common attack in the financial sector is vishing , a combination of voice and phishing that, with the help of social engineering, makes fraudulent phone calls to trick victims into giving up sensitive information such as account passwords and banking details.

IT services provider and integrator Ecosistemas is promoting its risk management solution to organizations in this sector to help them maintain customer trust and prevent the theft of banking data.

Fernando Gastrón CEO of Ecosistemas explain that

attackers use caller ID spoofing technologies to appear legitimate, increasing the likelihood that victims will trust them.

Risks associat with vishing include identity theft , unauthoriz access to bank accounts, and cambodia whatsapp number data disclosure of sensitive personal information, which can lead to significant financial losses and damage to the reputation of affect institutions.

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Ecosistemas offers a comprehensive range of specializ services in cybersecurity risk management , specifically design for the financial sector, which are not only focus on protecting confidential information, but also on ensuring operational continuity and compliance with regulations that reinforce customer confidence.

Risk management to prevent vishing

The first thing that Ecosistemas proposes is an exhaustive analysis of risks and the level of exposure to cyber risks of each institution. In order to identify critical vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure .

In this way, financial institutions will be able to prioritize their security efforts. Establish effective preventive measures and better direct their investments.

Advanc security controls are then implement bas on international best practices. And align strategies are not mutually exclusive with current regulations. These controls include state-of-the-art encryption technologies, multi-factor authentication, and continuous network monitoring, among others.

From a Computer Security Operations Center (SOC) , Ecosistemas. Can provide proactive infrastructure monitoring services through. A team of cmo email list cybersecurity experts prepar. To detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents in real time. Ensuring a rapid and effective response to any threat.

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