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For government agencies protecting

Managing and storing information properly is extremely critical. In the age of increasing cyberattacks, the ability to not only access but also manage data is essential. The challenge agencies face is the sheer amount of data that the government has to protect. By the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. So how can government stay a step ahead?

At Gov Loop’s recent roundtable Christopher

Scott Thompson, Data Scientist and CLIR Postdoctoral Felow at United States Agency for International DevelopmentJennifer Hanna, Data Management Analyst, at General Services Administration Rolland Miller, Federal Chief Technology Officer, Rubrik The speakers addressed the top challenges agencies face, along with some key takeaways for solving them.

How to make sense of all the data.

Everyone agreed that data is important. The issue, however, was agreeing what to make of all the data that agencies receive. The key, Thompson overseas chinese in canada data explained, is to consider the outcome and what you want to get from all the information. “Treat your data as an asset,” Thompson said. You want to be able to take advantage of it not only in the present, but in the future as well.

special data

By thinking about the outcome you expect,

you can make your data more efficient and effective. Will for instance if your office hosts a number the data be solving a particular issue? Is there enough data to give agencies insight into that issue? This ability to analyze data goes hand in hand with being able to responsibly manage all the information you receive. “The goal is to minimize duplicative data,” Hanna added. Challenge #2: How to curate and preserve data. With the constant growth and influx of data, it is easy to lose important information along the way. It’s almost impossible for agencies to access and analyze all the data that they receive.

We’re experiencing a tremendous amount of data loss,

Miller said. As technology advances, and new forms of data acquisition are developed, old data becomes difficult to manage in its old format. One of the problems associated with this is tg data data integration. With so much data coming from different departments and through different platforms, the challenge becomes finding a way to stitch the important information together to read it appropriately and effectively.

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