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Full-stack developer: who is he and how to become one

The thing is that many developers and senior specialists with extensive experience in the IT sphere fundamentally do not take such a position as a Full-stack programmer seriously. And here a reasonable question arises: why is this? There have always been masters who are able to cope with the tasks set both on the front and on the back. So where do doubts about this come from?

Full-stack web developers
Full-stack web developers
And yet, there is an opinion that there are no full-flg Full-stack programmers. In practice, the picture is as follows: about half of the web development specialists who call themselves Full-stack developers are BackEnd developers who have undergone short training in FrontEnd and are more or less able to cope with Angular or React compilation.

That is they know how to assemble

and connect, and even reach the Junior level in layout, but more often than india whatsapp number data not, such a Full-stack master will not demonstrate the highest level of aerobatics. Buttons will be press, but that’s all.

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Either the remaining half of programmers consider themselves Full-stack developers, namely those who specialize in FrontEnd, while only slightly understanding BackEnd and, for example, Node.js (most often), or they can be PHP developers. All of them are capable of correcting something if necessary, but none of them will write a full-flg cool Full-stack application for you.

There is also an opinion that the concept of “Full-stack” was invent specifically and serves as a kind of business trick, allowing employers to hire one employee who will perform the functions of two different specialists (not a new way to save money).

If you look into it then at the heart

of all the disagreements regarding the Full-stack profession lies skepticism. There including keywords that potential buyers can are developers who do not believe that it is possible to master both FrontEnd and BackEnd at a sufficiently good level . Here, in bz lists each case, you ne to know a bunch of languages, technologies, and be able to apply them. Therefore, it is impossible to be a great specialist in both frontend and backend at the same time.

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