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GreenLetter: The Last Democratic Year on Earth

AI technology is so groundbreaking that it challenges virtually every institution we know. This year, we will see how democracy copes with AI progress.

I feel like 2024 will see some kind of election in every civilized country on Earth. That means companies that provide generative AI solutions need to prepare to fight accusations of using them for political warfare and voter manipulation.

It is worth realizing what new tools will be available to telegram marketing election campaigns, intelligence agencies of hostile countries, and the proverbial “computer geek in the basement” who wants to stir things up a bit:

  • synthesizing the voice of any famous person and then distributing such “recordings”;
  • chatbots that can talk to voters and even call them;
  • generating fake photo-quality images;
  • mass creation of content and websites – the scale of operations in this area can already be described as “no-limits”;
  • Creating fully AI-generated videos – we’re just getting started here.


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AI, Disinformation and Elections

Citizens of over 50 countries will go to the polls, including the most populous: India, the USA, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil. This is also the first 4 best ecwid live chat plugins year in which AI can play an important, but not necessarily glorious, role during election campaigns. OpenAI has announced that it will provide citizens with tools to detect disinformation related to the elections.  

Copilot Pro

Microsoft is introducing a paid version of its AI assistant for private users and small businesses. Previously, a similar solution was only available to large organizations with a Microsoft 365 subscription. 

Inspiring cooperation between the agency and the client

AdWeek reports that between 1987 and 2020, the average length of agency-client collaboration dropped from seven to three years. This line data worrying trend is being broken by Essity, the owner of brands such as Libresse, Bodyform and Tena, which has been cooperating with the advertising agency AMV BBDO for a decade. During this time, the duo has become known for bold campaigns that break taboos related to, among others, menstruation, which have had a loud echo in the media. 

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