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Growth for next year is that of micro-influencers

Depending on the source you consult, these can be people with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. Although they are people with a small sector, this area is well defin, and there is a greater probability that people will frequently interact with their content.

This is where brands will find very valuable opportunities, as they can form collaborations with micro-influencers and expand their reach to a sector of people potentially interest in their products or services .

An example of influencer marketing is what Cúsica

a Venezuelan music producer, does to promote its own festival, the Cúsica Fest. In recent months, the organization has upload stories on its social networks about the gifts it sends to different micro-influencers close to the dentist database organization, directly and indirectly inviting people to buy their ticket for the festival.

What are the trends that will have the greatest impact?
On the one hand, 2024 is shaping up to be a year where automation in digital marketing will move to a new level , thanks to AI tools that will move to a new level of adoption not only in digital marketing, but in many other sectors of the economy, since this year has serv to verify its benefits and real effects on production processes.

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On the other hand, 2024 will serve to consolidate the account-based marketing must tailor the message to the decision maker influence of several resources that have been develop in recent years, such as storydoing, video marketing, influencer marketing, UGC, voice marketing, and visual recognition for searches. Taken together, all of this will lead to a new paradigm of marketing as we know it.

That being the case

it is important to ask yourself to what extent you are prepar to alb directory take on these digital marketing trends, which are no longer so far in the future since they have concrete effects on our present. Are you ready for 2024?

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