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How the World is Impacted by Digital Assets

Every time we have time to stare at a screen (digital screen, whatever it is), digital assets are influencing us. They are driving our thoughts and feelings about the current global political climate, what products we buy, and how we, our friends and family view the world.

These assets come in the form of YouTube videos, Instagram or Flickr photos, blog posts or Spotify playlists.

Always On and Wanting More

We consume digital content when we log into LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Digital content is glued to our screens from dawn to dusk. We consume so much of it every day that. It’s hard to imagine living in a different era where newspapers. Selegraphs and letters were the primary means of consuming content.

Digital assets have intrinsic value. They are the raw materials that produce marketing collateral, sales enablement, products, services, tweets, blogs, photographs, graphics, illustrations and videos.

Here are 10 ways digital assets are influencing us every moment, eve belgium telegram data ry time we glance at our smartphones and every time we look at a digital screen:

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Social Influence

Digital assets help create the tweets, videos, product ads and blog posts inweb specialists have their own database of we read on the web. We consume digital assets to modify or formulate ideas and opinions. We create digital assets to influence the ideas and opinions of others.

Our Work and Our Business

We bring digital assets to life every time we conceive, create, edit, review a cz lists nd publish in our working lives. They

A record of our existence

Every digital photo we take of an event, birthday, concert, video of a baby’s first steps, a vacation video, are all digital assets. They are a record of our existence and evidence of our memories.


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