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How to be successful as a blogger in the long term

Since it’s Saturday and you should be doing other things than reading blogging posts, I won’t keep you too long. The weekend content on this blog is lighter than the weekday content (“even lighter?” some might say) so I’ll keep it short.I am writing this post based on my own experience and observations over the last 10 years of activity. It does not mean that I consider myself to be a particularly successful blogger or that I possess the truth on the subject. In fact, you should stop reading the article and ignore me

Blogger Success Photo rights by Fotolia

When I started blogging in Spain (I feel a bit like an old man writing this sentence) there were few bloggers, or at least that’s my perception looking back. I probably belong  spain telegram data  to the second generation that now sees the birth and development of the next one. Everything seems much easier than before because the new stars emerge almost from nowhere and become visible much faster than in “my time.”

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It’s one thing to get there, and another to stay there for a long time. That will be the challenge for most. If you are a blogger and want to be successful in the long term, I recommend you follow these steps:

1. Always be humble : I notice that many bloggers, when they become a bit famous, change their tone. They no longer take criticism as well as they used to because they feel  affiliate marketing affiliate marketing   superior. It doesn’t matter if it is justified or not, above all, be humble. We will always be human, so we run the risk of constantly making mistakes.

2. Always be consistent : don’t settle for 2 or 3 great posts that    malaysia data   have helped you become known. If you don’t keep working, it will be you today, but tomorrow someone else will be sitting in your chair.


 Always take risks : In blogging, everything is up for grabs

You have to constantly take risks to go further than others. Think of a singer like Madonna and the times she has reinvented herself to be where she is.

5. Take a break from time to time : This is from someone who writes a daily post. It’s good to disconnect from time to time. I have my way of disconnecting from the blog, which is usually silence in the comments. You have to prioritize so you don’t go crazy with so much blogging and stories.

In the end, the post ended up being longer than expected. I was probably inspired by the topic and got a bit carried away. So, don’t forget to stay on the ground when your blog starts to have 2 or 3 more readers than the others.

3. Always seek interaction : This point may seem a bit counterintuitive considering some of the past posts on the topic. You have to differentiate here between what is necessary for long-term success and the price you are willing to pay. Always being connected and maintaining constant interaction with your readers is essential but it can burn you out if you are not careful.

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