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How to Promote Online Education on Clerk + Three Working Cases

We at Klerk have been involved in online education for many years, and during this time we have developed our own promotion methods. We tell you how to effectively promote educational products and share successful cases.

Online Education: What’s the Secret to Success?

The online learning market is constantly predicted to decline, but the numbers say otherwise. By the end of 2023, it had grown by more than 30% , and this trend, according to experts, will continue in 2024-2025.

In general, the idea of ​​studying online appeared back in the el-salvador phone number list 70s of the last century. In our country, distance learning technologies have been actively developing for several years, but an incredible increase in demand for online courses occurred during the pandemic.

And today, online learning continues to be chosen by those who want to master a new profession, improve their qualifications, and simply learn something new ( even if it is not directly related to professional activity ). One of the key advantages of this format is the ability to study here and now , regardless of location.

The main thing is access to the Internet. And online education is also:

  • Flexibility. Compared to traditional formats, such as university education, online courses respond much faster ( almost instantly ) to all changes in the industry. Thanks to this, courses are regularly updated and adapted, and students receive truly relevant information.
  • Learn at your own pace. Every person is unique, and everyone learns at their own pace. Most online courses allow you to learn at your own pace: firstly, it is more comfortable, and secondly, even in conditions of time shortage, you can always find some time for studying.
  • Additional opportunities. Many online platforms pay attention not only to the training itself, but also develop networking. Often, online schools and services directly cooperate with employers, which significantly increases the chances of students finding employment.
  • Developing self-education skills. Self-education is a vital skill for any modern person. And online education is one of the best ways to develop it: students practice self-discipline and deeply immerse themselves in the subject by mastering the material on their own.

Today, you can learn almost everything remotely — from making b2b companies: what makes a successful podcast? eclairs to Python development. Online platforms offer a wide variety of courses.

What difficulties do you encounter when promoting?

We must say right away: in the EdTech sphere, standard promotion methods do not always work. There are several reasons for this.

  • Long decision-making cycle. An online course is a complex product, and most potential customers need time to make a decision. As a rule, it is not enough to just see an advertisement once: the client must understand the value and uniqueness of the product, understand why he needs this particular training. This work takes time.
  • Market congestion. There are quite a lot of offers in many areas, and in general, advertising of all kinds of educational services is found everywhere. The problem is that not all products phone list are of high quality, and often clients already have a negative experience of studying on online courses. Intrusive advertising is also off-putting. Therefore, one of the main tasks of promoting educational products is to build trust.
  • Delayed result. Buying an online course is fundamentally different from, for example, buying a smartphone. In the case of purchasing training, at the time of purchase, everything is just beginning for the client: they have to study the materials, do exercises and homework. As a result, the client does not really understand what awaits them in the end. And this is another reason why many find it difficult to decide to buy.
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