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Important dates to remember as part of the closure:

This post was originally published on October 25, 2017 and updated on April 4, 2019.

Are you confused by SEO concepts? Wondering how to cut through the technical jargon to find some simple answers? We understand your frustration. For many business owners and marketers, it’s hard enough trying to keep their website ahead of the competition online without having to find their efforts derailed by the confusion that some of the terms used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can cause .

Confused by SEO concepts? Here’s how to navigate the technical terminology.

To help you get a clearer idea of ​​some of the most confusing concepts surrounding SEO, we’ve put together a mini-glossary containing the most frequently used jargon. If you want to learn more about r uk whatsapp number data ankings, algorithms, SERPs and other concepts, we invite you to continue reading.



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SERPs . SERPs is short for Search Engine Results Pages . That is, w account-based marketing must tailor the message to the decision maker ere you appear in the results returned by search engines like Google. Page one would be the first page of search results (which is where everyone wants to appear), while being on page two or page three means that because of your ranking, the user has to click at least once to find you in the search results. The harder it is to appear on the first page, the less likely people are to find your website. It is powder data worth noting that there are always exceptions to this rule. If you are not yet on the first page, don’t worry… that comes with time, good SEO practices, and a lot of work.

These are, in no particular order, some of the concepts that tend to cause the most confusion around SEO:

Ranking. Ranking is basically all about how well your website performs in the world of the Internet. A good ranking means that your website appears on the first page of search results. While many businesses believe that they need to be at the top of the results page, ranking even a few spots lower is still a very good performance. But not too far down! According to Advanced Web Ranking , the click-through rate for the number 5 spot on page one of Google’s search results is only 3%, and the number decreases with each position from there. So it’s most desirable to appear among the top spots on page one. There are several factors that determine your ranking, including both on- and

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