Home » In-demand IT specialties and their salary levels in Russia

In-demand IT specialties and their salary levels in Russia

The development of technological progress does not take long to come. What yesterday was amazing discoveries and an incrible breakthrough for us is a new reality today. Artificial intelligence, electric cars and other products of the IT industry have firmly establish themselves in the modern consumer society. In this regard, new professions are appearing and finding their “place in the sun” all over the world and in Russia in particular.

Reasons for the attractiveness and

demand for IT specialties
Reasons for the attractiveness and demand for IT specialties
Just a couple of decades ago, standing on the threshold of choosing a future specialty, young guys and girls enter universities to become doctors, lawyers, economists, firefighters. Now all these professions are losing their former popularity: they have been replac by programming, internet marketing, SMM and blogging. What is the japan whatsapp number data modern IT vacancy market, why have these professions become so popular and what is the reason for the interest in them among the younger generation? Let’s consider the main reasons:

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The first and most important is the pay and working conditions. No matter what demand IT specialty we consider, they are all decently paid. Even a beginner IT specialist can start with an income of $1,000 per month, which cannot be said about a novice doctor or lawyer. If we talk about more experienc IT workers, the amount can reach $3,000 and even higher.
The second is the long-term perspective. Each new round of development of the IT industry brings technological progress that can last for decades. This means that work relat to this area will be relevant for the next 20-30 years.

Statistics on IT specialties in Russia

According to analytical data from the hh.ru portal, there is an increase in the account-based marketing must tailor the message to the decision maker number of vacancies in the IT industry. The percentage increase in bz lists the first quarter of 2021 compar to the same period in 2020 was 38%. And this is despite the fact that during the pandemic, the IT sphere and its employees were subject to a number of strict restrictions, which, in turn, provok a number of consequences.

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