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When communication is healthy team members remain friendly

With healthy communication, the employee does not say, “This task was set poorly,” but “I needed to clarify all the conditions.” This approach helps the specialist manage the situation, and not depend entirely on it. On the next project, he will be able to avoid mistakes and do the job successfully. Step 5: Criticize, but don’t suggest anything If you are asked to evaluate the work’s outcome, do not give specific edits. The same with new ideas – criticize, but do not help improve.

Train your colleagues’ minds with vague phrases like

This doesn’t seem to fit the mood of the project” or “It seems like something is missing here, we can do better.” Let the experts think for themselves how to new zealand phone number library improve their work. Your job is to express your opinion. With healthy communication, feedback from the team does not disorient, but helps to improve the result. It is important to distinguish constructive criticism from subjective preferences. The best test: if you can offer an improvement option along with the comment, then it is adequate.

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Use Passive Aggression Active aggression

Attracts too much attention and can have consequences – a conversation with the boss or even dismissal. Passive aggression is harder to catch: the person it is directed at will feel unpleasant, but he will not be able to accuse you of anything specific. And even if he evergreen content is an essential can, you can always dodge it. Let the employee know that he is doing everything wrong: roll your eyes at team meetings, communicate with sarcasm, or ignore his remarks altogether.

Let him try to understand his shortcomings

And try to regain your favor.  and try to remember that they are all working on the same thing. Constantly collecting feedback from employees will help you spot malaysia data provocative behavior in time. Step 7: Ask for things you can find yourself Searching for information on your own means wasting your time. Learn to delegate: ask a colleague who knows the answer to the question. Don’t be shy about distracting specialists from their tasks, because you are one team and should help each other.

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