According to Chet Holmes, author of The Ultimate Sales Machine, only 3% of a company’s target audience is actively looking for a solution, and approximately 7% would be willing to listen to what the company has to say. Among the other 90%, we have a large portion of the audience on which we can focus our efforts to climb
This pyramid, and to be found
by this audience. To understand how this relates to the offer you will choose, we can divide them into two types:
• Direct offers: those directly relat to your product or service, such as a request for a demonstration, free sample, free consultancy, catalog, etc.
• Indirect offers: those relat to your market and focus on problems and topics that interest your audience, but are not directly relat to your product.
Ex.: ucational content in the form of eBooks,
webinars, etc.
An important point to understand
Here is the cost: using usa email list a direct offer will bring Leads that are more prepar to purchase, but in smaller quantities and with a higher CPA (Cost per Acquisition – we will talk about this later); using an indirect offer will ruce your CPA and bring more Leads, which ne to be nurtur to advance to the moment of purchase (top of the pyramid).
How to reach your persona
Each type of online advertising provide opportunities for collaboration among has its own targeting method. For example, as mention above, Google Adwords uses search intent; Facebook Ads uses information adb directory about the user. In Native Ads, targeting is defin by an algorithm that takes into account a series of factors about the user and the context in which the user is. For example, Taboola’s algorithm analyzes hundrs of real-time signals to match people with the content they are most likely to be interest in consuming next.