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Opportunity cost and why no one talks about the value of the moment

Opportunity cost is not just an economic concept. You also encounter it every day in our lives. We regret all those things we haven’t been able to do because of all the things we’re doing. It’s a way of looking down on the lives we have, thinking that they would have been better if we hadn’t gotten married so early, played more sports, finished college to work in what we really like, not waited to have children until it’s too late, etc.

Enjoy the moment Photo rights by Fotolia

Everyone has an opportunity cost . It is inevitable    vietnam telegram data   because we cannot walk several paths at the same time. Instead of thinking so much about what we lose, we should appreciate more what we gain. The balance does not only include the opportunity cost but also the positive points that occur to us continuously. Almost no one talks about the value of the moment .

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Many do not realize that if they compare the cost of lost opportunities with the benefit of their current lives, the balance is positive in many cases.Documentation of the faults : are you able to provide documentation on those points that have caused your discomfort? Only if you have some  what are brand standards   kind of evidence will you be able to complain in a justified manner and make some kind of claim successfully.

Express your complaint without offending
Emotions are our worst enemy. Even if we are very angry, we must not forget that on the other side there are also humans who may not be to blame for your discomfort. Focus on  malaysia data   the facts and be precise in your complaint.

4. Write an email : Putting things in writing helps you better reflect on the different points of your complaint. By rereading and rewriting it you will be able to document the facts more precisely from your point of view without forgetting details as might be the case in a phone call.

 Insist if you don’t get a response

In this situation, it’s difficult to keep a cool head. Remember that on the other side there are also people with their strengths and weaknesses. There may be x reasons why they didn’t respond to you immediately. If you communicate with respect, your chances of success will be greater.

6. Offer a solution : especially if they don’t offer it to you proactively. This is what a company should do (especially if the complaint is justified) but not all have reached this point of thinking this way. Make a specific request to give them the opportunity to at least give you a more or less satisfactory solution.

A complaint by definition seems to be something negative. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the case if we act without hurting anyone’s feelings. Not everything is solved this way. For drastic cases there are always lawyers and lawsuits. But it’s better to solve it this way if possible, don’t you think?

If your balance is negative, it is very likely that you are obsessed with the life you do not have because you made other decisions in the past. You are not aware that with every second that passes, with every breath we take, we can make a difference in our own life but also in the lives of those around us. Forget about opportunity cost and start thinking more about the concept of the value of the moment. Everything else is wasted time.

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