Home » PageSpe ​​Insights The online service

PageSpe ​​Insights The online service

PageSpe ​​Insights from Google is one of the most popular and well-known tools design to check the loading spe of a website. Checking your website loading spe : 5 online services. Image by storyset on Freepik. It is completely free and easy to use: enter the page address in the line, click “Analyze” and wait a few seconds for the service to scan. In the report, you can see detail information about the site’s performance on mobile devices and computers separately.

PageSpe ​​Insights gives scores from 0 to 100, where 85+ is consider a good result

Loading time is measur in seconds and milliseconds, all indicators are explain in detail. The main advantages of the web service include ease chinese in america of use and detail recommendations for optimization. PageSpe ​​Insights. #2. GTmetrix Inaccessible from Russia, but quite a functional service for checking the spe of a web resource. It provides detail performance reports and focuses on the loading time, the total page size and the number of requests that ne to be sent to the server to get all the content.

special data

In GTmetrix, you can find a table in which

All the elements of the web page are list in the order in which they were load , and the time of their appearance is also indicat . An important “feature” of this online tool is a video recording of the testing perform . Viewing is open only telegram as a marketing tool: why it’s essential for 2024 to register users, but without authorization, you can track the loading process using the screenshot fe . In addition, GTmetrix stores the history of tests and gives advice on improving performance. GTmetrix. #3.

Pingdom Tools Pingdom

Tools is a simple and easy-to-use English-language service that provides information about the site loading spe , page weight (and each type bulk lead of content in particular) and the number of requests. Pingdom also generates a small report with recommendations for improving performance, which allows you to identify bottlenecks and problems that slow down loading.

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