Home » Blog » [Podcast] International Contractor, PEO or Employee: What’s Best For Your Global Business?

[Podcast] International Contractor, PEO or Employee: What’s Best For Your Global Business?

If you’re hiring people internationally, you’ll want to think carefully about the different ways you can engage talent and which format is best for your business. It’s especially important to pay attention as the relationship between you and your hire changes over time to make sure your workforce continues to be classifi correctly.

This Globig podcast focuses

Dn some frequently ask questions about when a company should work with a contractor abroad, when a PEO is best, and at what point setting up a foreign entity and hiring an employee is the right decision. We explore the pros and denmark telegram data  cons of each option in a variety of situations. Our guest expert is Suraj Sharma, the Client Services Director of Human Resources at Global Upside Corporation – which includes Global Upside, Global PEO Services, Mihi, and Gava Talent Solutions, a conglomerate specializing in international business operating in 150+ countries.

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Some of the questions we explore include:

What are the main differences between a PEO, directly hiring an employee and usin account-bas marketing must tailor the message to the decision maker g a contractor?
When is it best to hire a contractor, an employee, or use a global PEO internationally?
What are the risks of hiring contractors internationally?
At what point would a contractor be consider an employee?
When is it best to transition from one classification to another, is there a natural pro by lists gression, or can you go back and forth between them?
What are some of the known costs above salarypay associat with each group?
Listen To The Podcast.

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