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Quantitative measurement, the value of numbers

This type of measurement goes further in the research and study of your page. It serve advertising database s to obtain performance figures in different units or percentages . This is where numerous tools that you already know come into play, such as Google Analytics, KissMetrics, Piwic, Clicktale or even Hotjar.

I find these two articles very interesting if you are taking your first steps.

Google Analytics: 20 Steps to Becoming a Web Analytics Jedi , by Fernando Rubio on the basics of Google Analytics.
Since races are measured, we run faster , by Gemma Muñoz, to understand what you should measure.
Analyze the results objectively
It is very important that you be critical with the numbers , do not immediately believe the first thing you see, take your time to analyze the data in depth.

Keep in mind that many measurement

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A tools work with very small data samples due to their limited computing power.


Google Analytics , being free, needs to sample data to work quickly.

“Sampling in Analytics refers to the practice of selecting a subset of your website traffic data and generating a report on trends from that sample. Analyzing a subset of the data produces results similar to analyzing the entire data . Sampling also speeds up reporting when the volume of data is so large that it slows down report queries.” – Source Google Analytics .

Differences between sessions and users

To know if a landing page is working effectively, it is important to pay special attention to the page’s conversion rate . Try to clearly differentiate session values ​​from user values .

Not understanding the difference between sessions and users can seriously damage the quality of your analysis and business. How? For example, you could have the same user who visits your page 30 times but only converts once.

Counting sessions instead of users is undoubtedly one of the biggest mistakes  customize your folders with colors! make and is a hindrance to optimizing your landing pages.

They are not your web visitors, they are your guests
Think of it this way: your visitors are not just numbers, they are your guests . So be a good turkey data   host and take care of them because you want them to come back, right? Even though you may not realize it sometimes, the way you call things has a very strong influence on your behavior. Calling people who browse your website interested in something you offer visitors is too impersonal.

Evaluating your guests and optimizing your site according to their characteristics is your duty as a marketer . While you don’t do it, your competition is doing it.

Work with humility and a desire to learn! And always remember to use tools to investigate and obtain valuable information, encourage yourself to unmask your beliefs.


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