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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) benefits and links

What is SEO? SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) – optimization of the website for natural search results. About SEO links Google and many SEO specialists say that links are one of the three most important indexing criteria, which directly depends on how one or another internal page of your website will be rank in Google search.

Algorithms consider links to a site

As a certain signal that the site’s content is valuable or interesting if it is shar by other sites. What are links? Links are activat certain text that, when chinese in europe hover over and click, open another website or another internal page of the same website. For example, page X is about tourism in Vilnius, that page has an article about accommodation in Vilnius, and that article has a link to hostels.

special data

Clicking on the link about the hostel opens the website of the hostel

What are links good for? In addition to being one of the most important criteria for external SEO , links have more add value. This is a pretty sales management good way of advertising to drive some website’s audience to your website, of course, with your own link on it. Links can bring additional traffic to your website, some of which will convert and buy your products or custom services. Basically, the more links, the higher the spread of the web page.

Of course, when it comes to links

You should keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity. What are the links? All SEO links are divid into internal and external. Internal buying house b links are those links that are on the same page and point to another internal page on the same page. For example, there is an online store Y that sells household appliances. That store’s internal page “vacuum cleaners” links to another internal page of the same store “vacuum cleaner replacement bags” – such a link will be call an internal link.

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