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The COM domain celebrates 30 years this year!

Some of you may not know this, but March of this year mark 30 years since the first .com domain was register. The very first domain that has been around since then and is thus the oldest domain is Symbolics.com. It is still operational even though the Massachusetts computer firm Symbolics is no longer in business.

Currently on the Symbolics.com page you will find a street theme, where you can click on various places to see interesting things from the world of the Internet. For example:

VeriSign Inc. manages the TLD’s of .com and .net. Domain name records are stor in Zone Files. In June 2014, there were 113 million domain names in the .com zone file and over 15 million in the .net zone file.

Here you will find a lot of information

from history and current events on the Internet. Many statistics and historical milestones. It is a suitable procrastination site for both long winter evenings and hot summer days.

A lot has chang in those 30 years. The Internet has practically infiltrat everyday life so firmly that many of us can no longer imagine a world without it. For example, you could not read Interval.cz. Nevertheless, 30 years ago it was just a tool for academics turkey phone number data and researchers, which slowly but surely began to develop into a global communication tool and environment for countless activities.

phone number data

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