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The ongoing dispute has brought

The ongoing dispute has brought dramatic moments for members of both parties, with hawkish GOP defense wing threatening to vote against another short-term funding solution and Democrats weighing the political pros and cons of pushing for a shutdown. 2.FirstNet is on track At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas last week, officials said the FirstNet app store is actively seeking developers, and 54 jurisdictions have signed up to join the network.

Once operational, the broadband

Network will provide a more reliable communications infrastructure for first responders. FirstNet expects to complete its core network in March and complete the full infrastructure in 2020. 3. State officials cheer on self-driving electric vehicles If you occasionally follow tech news, you may have felt the buzz about new transportation technology.

A panel of state government speakers

Nevada, Utah and Massachusetts discussed overseas chinese in usa data the issue, and everyone agreed in their own way that transportation is on the cusp of huge innovation. Of course, no one, in either the public or private sectors, knows exactly what the future of this technology will hold. But if it’s any indication, more than a dozen companies demonstrated self-driving cars at the conference.

special data

Finds problems with acquisition process

According to a recent report from the U.S. Government needs and aspirations of each market Accountability Office, many agencies need to do more to get their chief information officers on board with acquisitions. In a review of FY 2016 contracts, most did not properly list all the money they spent on IT.

Despite recent legislative efforts like

The Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) — which requires CIOs to participate in IT investments — the GAO found that agencies are often slow to adopt new rules. 5. DoD Cloud Computing Ahead of Time On the other hand, the federal government sometimes finishes projects ahead of schedule. CSRA, the company responsible for tg data building the DoD’s $500 million cloud computing infrastructure, announced Friday that the project will go live on February 1 — three months ahead of schedule.

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