The target audience is one of the key aspects of choosing a platform for placing links. A certain number of users can use them to move from such a resource to a new one. There are special SEO tools for tracking traffic, among which you can find free ones. And all kinds of likes, reposts, views and comments will make it possible to determine the activity of the target audience. Sites that have been functioning for many years and have weight for the search engine are always better for placing links than a new, little-known resource.
For this, it is better to choose sites
That are at least 2, and preferably 4 years old. At the same time, it is important to regulate the number of incoming and outgoing links. The chinese overseas africa number data former should be more. This means for the search engine that the site is not us as a donor, but is itself a source with useful, authoritative content. But the usefulness of the third-party resource material is also important here. The content should not be spamm , and the information should answer all user questions. The times when sites were successfully promot using low-quality content with a large number of keywords are a thing of the past.
Users are also repell by numerous advertising blocks
Constantly interfering and pop-up advanced telegram marketing techniques for businesses windows. The absence of sanctions from the search engine is indicat by high traffic and attention from users. If it has decreas , this may indicate that Google has bann the site.
An experienc SEO optimizer can also determine
That it will soon be bann . After all, sometimes buying house b violations are obvious. Of course, when choosing sites for placing external links, you ne to make sure that there are no viruses. Such resources do not inspire user confidence, which can negatively affect the success of promotion. To check, you can use a free service that determines the presence of viruses.