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How to develop: the same as planning

Some are already doing this: in job vacancies they write that they will pay for the successful candidate to study foreign languages ​​or take professional courses. Read our article on how to motivate a team . Leadership skills Skill 5: Self-management and fashion awareness What you need to be able to do: understand your emotional triggers, strengths and weaknesses, motivate yourself, monitor your condition, be confident and self-sufficient.

Develop emotional intelligence , finally

How to develop: try to write down the strengths and pakistan phone number library weaknesses (of both employees and the company), and then write a benefit for each quality. For example: thanks to my creativity, I can figure out how to act in an unusual situation, and thanks to my laziness, I can optimize the process and prioritize. Skill 6: Entrepreneurship What you need to be able to do: take risks and manage risks, change and be changed, look at things optimistically, think unorthodoxly.

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How to develop: If you are a founder

Replace micromanagement in the team with macromanagement. Instead of assigning specific tasks and controlling every step, choose managers and delegate this process to them, leaving yourself with strategic goals. If you are an employee, take responsibility it is worth asking yourself what exact words not only for individual tasks, but for entire projects. Another practice for developing this software: sharing your non-work interests and successes.

Some experts say that this helps generate

New ideas and develop entrepreneurial thinking. Skill 7: Achieving Goals What you need to be able to do: take responsibility and make decisions, focus on results cg leads develop persistence, cope with uncertainty (again) and develop. but set goals not only for the company, but also for the development of a specific employee, and outline transparent growth for each position. For example, how a marketing assistant will grow to become a marketing director. The illustration shows an example of vertical growth, but now the zigzag model is becoming more popular.

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