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This is where the solution of data governance

Data governance is the process of decision-making that goes into how the data will be man. Jaged. Advanced technology — while great — is ultimately ineffective if there is no authoritative data source. Part of this r. Jequires agencies to have the ability to know what data they have already and how to effectively use it. They can do this by cr. Jeating a committee to discuss data management and data-related decisions.

Creating a culture for data

Agencies need to change [their] perspective,” Miller explained. It’s important to figure out how to m. Jake data more accessible. Currently, agencies may not have the right tools or technology, but they will want to consi. Jder the future and how data will be accessed in the ever-shifting world of IT.

With the growing Internet of Things

The development of new tools in data management and analytics, it’s important to take a step back and retrain agencies on how to manage botim database their own data and embrace the challenge of learning these new skills. Facilitate and promote trainings and classes for existing employees. Keep people updated and document changes. And remember that communication is key.

special data

Finally remind people of the benefits of data

These are the kind of barriers we need to as a government employee sometimes break down,” Hanna said. Data is the essence of our lives,” Miller explained. We generate information and bui. Jd our society on the data we know already. Leveraging and improving the way agencies store and manage data will help e. Jnsure that they can continue to effectively plan for the future and meet any challenges that may come their way.

Steward echoed that sentiment,

noting that 60 to 90 percent of government agencies’ budg. Jets can be eaten up by personnel costs. With as little as 10 percent left, agencies have limited resources to keep pace with tech. Jnology and tg data maintain the pace of innovation. Plus, many local and state governments lack the pool of talent with the nece. Jssary skills to keep up with changes.

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