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What is the ideal keyword density?

With the arrival of spring, a new series “What you ask us” is also coming to our blog. It is a series of short videos in which you will learn the answers to the frequent questions you ask us. You can already find the first post in this article. The video explains how to look at keyword density , which can help you rank higher in search results.

Mention the keyword once in the title .


The best suitable keyword density is difficult to det vietnam whatsapp number data rmine, it could be said that the ideal rate does not exist.You can also mention the keyword or phrase somewhere in the middle and at the end of the text (depending on the length of the text/article).

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Nevertheless, keywords are very important ; they help the search engine determine what the page is about so that it can display it accordingly in search results. Today, the search engine  can recognize different forms of words and co embracing the possibilities of the future nnections , knows the relationship between most synonyms, and in some cases even understands the meaning of the text on the web.

It is worthwhile to place keywords in the text evenly and quite inco uk data nspicuously, there must not be so many of them that it hits the reader’s eyes. So, where should the keyword/link be included?

Don’t forget to place it in the main heading as well .

It should definitely appear in the first paragraph of the text.
Keep in mind that the resulting text must look natural and be easy to read and understand . If you overdo it with the density of keywords, not only will the text. Tbe difficult for the reader to read. But the search engine will not like it either. He can even punish you for it. If the search engine recognizes that you are trying. To manipulate the search results , it may penalize you for the so-called over-optimization , for example in the form of ignoring the given text for the search results.


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