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what mistakes are made again and again when founding a company

We see again and again that having control mistakes are made over your own finances is a huge issue. Customers who do not pay on time or at all, sales tax and income tax prepayments that have not been taken into account and the lack of overview of expenses can quickly lead to major financial problems.

What is the best way to start a business mistakes are made ?

In any case, you should make sure that the business concept is sound. There are more and more service providers and associations that help armenia cell phone number list founders and offer advice. You have to ask yourself questions like: Is there actually a demand for what I offer? How can I acquire customers and at what cost? What costs do I have to be able to cover with my income? You should draw up a business plan before you start your own business and never lose track of your finances.

Is self-employment for everyone? What are the most important qualities you should have?

As a founder, you have to be willing to take risks. If you have a strong need for security and have trouble organizing yourself, you will probably have a how to retain a client and ıncrease the bill: tips for business harder time being self-employed. I think you have to have passion for your work, perseverance and certainly a certain talent for organization. Of course, this also varies depending on the type of activity.

How do you see the future for founders in Germany?

In the future, the number of self-employed people will certainly increase mistakes are made . Working on a project basis is becoming more and more common and the job market will continue to change significantly as digitalization increases. It is socially important that self-employment does not mean working at dumping prices in the service sector.

Finally, I would be happy to hear your most important tips for founders.

In my opinion, it is incredibly important to build up a good malaysia data network with whom you can exchange ideas. You can also find a lot of help and reports online about starting a business. And you should think about which tools you want to work with right from the start. Whether it’s a web shop system, accounting software or something similar – there are many ways to keep work processes streamlined and save time.

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