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Who is a moderator: pros and cons of the job

The term “moderator” in translation from French means “moderation”, “restraint”. Therefore, he must be able to restrain and control the emotions of visitors to Internet resources. The moderator monitors whether everyone adheres to the rules of the site, controls the communications of community users.

Who is a moderator?
Who is a moderator?
If the administrator has unlimited rights on the Internet resource, then the moderator has a list of powers and duties. He is assigned the function of assistant to the administrator, who monitors compliance with the rules established in the community.

A moderation specialist must be

competent and know the subject of the Internet resource. In addition, the moderator must be able to communicate and resolve emerging conflicts, find compromise solutions.
As a rule, the moderator has the right to:

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The admin assistant is obliged to inform the resource visitors about important events taking place on the site, about all changes. The moderator’s inweb specialists have their own database of duties include tracking the topics of comments and messages with the purpose of their subsequent movement (if necessary) to the appropriate sections of the site.

The functioning of the Internet resource largely depends on the moderator, as he is the bz lists intermediary between the administrator and the forum visitors. The Internet platform will develop successfully if the moderator quickly responds to users and solves emerging problems.

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