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Who is a programmer and what does he do?

Programmers include software developers, engineers, systems analysts, etc. However, all specialists in this field have one thing in common – they “translate” people’s requirements into programming language. The result of their work is code that allows for the automation of various areas of human activity. Thus, a programmer creates instructions for machines, which in turn allow for the execution of all sorts of tasks.

Types of Programmers

Frontend Programmer
These specialists are engaged in the development of the user interface, that is, the external part of the product.

Frontend Programmer
Frontend Programmer
At the moment, frameworks like React.js and Vue.js are in high demand. But to work with them, you need to get into a decent product. Otherwise, a israel whatsapp number data front-end programmer will be doing not the most prestigious work, for example, writing special effects in the shopping cart of an unknown online store.

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Backend programmer
Such specialists are more focused on server-side business logic than on small details like special effects for the website.

Server business logic includes:

API for mobile applications.
Various internal information processing processes.
Elements that are displayed on the site when its url is opened.
As a rule, Backend programmers write in languages ​​such as: php, python, go, nodejs. They need to know databases. The advantage of such masters is that they can take on simple tasks of frontend programmers.

Backend programmer on CMS

Their work is connected with various constructors, for example, WordPress or 1C-Bitrix. The the risk management system can be used to avoid main task of these programmers is to raise typical sites on ready-made engines. Not the most interesting area, in which it is quite difficult to develop.

They write in 1C for accounting. They are engaged in configuring a specific software bz lists product, so colleagues from related specialties are not inclined to call them programmers. However, there are other opinions on this issue.

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