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Why we lost our growth rate in August

We had a feeling that things will not be as bad as predicted. Well, yes, it is even worse than we thought, and with just a few days left in the month. There is little we can do to turn things around.

Out of stock on many own brand products

There is rarely a month where we don’t have a product out of stock . If it’s one or two products, it’s not very noticeable because it’s compensated by other sales, but if there are four. Five or more, then the absence starts to show in the numbers. Within the singapore whatsapp number data next two months. If everything goes well, we will be able to replenish practically 100% of the products, but until then there will be no way to improve the numbers we have.

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New competition lowering prices

Analysing a specific product, we have realised what is a buyer persona and how to create the ideal one for your business? that new competitors have entered the market, driving prices down. Here the impact is not so much on turnover, although that is also the case, but above all on an increase in storage costs due to longer sales times. That is why we are now also so that profits are not unnecessarily reduced. Having researched the company is essential, but even here I have the feeling that some fail by not taking the necessary interest. Knowing the history, the turnover, the CEO, the competition, etc. Not having done your homework immediately rules you out.

Incidents with Amazon

The loss of our top seller has been accompanied qatar data by more incidents. Some copyright-related and others of a different nature. This means that instead of being able to focus on selling more, we have to focus on solving problems. Our focus is not where it should be, so we are wasting time in a foolish way that does not add but subtracts. It is true that some issues could have been avoided with greater caution, but others are simply part of the group of “Amazon’s various joys.”

Our growth rate is falling from 100% to now 20-30%. Still a respectable figure but we need bigger numbers quickly.

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