Home » Why you should have a fast website

Why you should have a fast website

If you have done a good job with all the steps leading to a properly created website, it would be a shame to quickly complete the last few steps at the end.

What is site speed and what affects it?

They may seem unimportant to some, but if you are really serio uae whatsapp number data us about your website, then you should not neglect them. In this article, I’ll tell you why you should care about your site’s speed . Website loading speed is one of the important factors of on-page  optimization, which is why we will analyze it in more detail today. Let’s do it together.



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Website speed is one of the technical factors of search engine optimization. So speed not only affects the overall visitor experience from your website, but is also one of more than 200 factors that Google and other search engines use in the algorithm to calculate the positions of specific pages in search results. If your industry is competitive and you want to have easy-to-consume and high-ranking pages in search engines, you should not underestimate the sp sharing a framework that will enable you to keep eed of your page.

There are many tools available to check your website speed and detect problems. For example, try PageSpeed ​​Insights, which evaluates the result on a mobile device and on a desktop. You migh rich data t get a result like this:

How to test your website speed

Metrics marked in red are problematic, those in orange are normal but not ideal, those marked in green are good results. You will often find out from the test that your website has  a bad value for the Largest Contentful Paint metric, sometimes denoted by the abbreviation LCP, which in Czech means rendering the largest content. That is, how long it took to render the largest content element on the page in the browser. According to Google, this should ideally be less than 2.5s.

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