Home » With John Orr

With John Orr

Founder. Together with John Orr. Young of young rubicam, one of the most important advertising agencies. Of the world, rubicam put in . He practices such beliefs in one of his most works. The instrument of the immortals succeeded. For steinway sons, a piano manufacturing company.History . Of copywriting rubicam the instrument of the . Immortals easy web marketing rubicam advertising campaign.

Of For Steinway Pianos

Del for Steinway Sons pianos through a search. In-depth and oriented to the desires of the . Consumer, rubicam discovered that Steinway pianos were . Been used by almost everyone. The greatest music composers. Hence the idea of ​​. Create a text ad. And image, centered on a prominent classical music personality. The first was . The one created with Franz Listz, Hungarian composer, pianist and conductor.

Bernbach – Noto

William Bernbach. – known. For having given birth to the second creative revolution in advertising in the United States. All. They remember rich people database him as a copywriter but since then he has worked as a creative director. It is his invention. Of the “creative couple” in which copywriters and art directors collaborate to create even more effective advertising campaigns. Words and images must combine perfectly with each other. You might be interested. A. Freelance copywriter how Bernbach’s style helps you communicate your brand.

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It is characterized by two

It is characterized. For two distinctive elements irony and negative approach. Irony is the weapon you need. To “wink”. Recognizability to the invest in temporary content consumer who shared the same expressive code. The negative approach. It was used to prevent . Consumer objections, anticipating and emphasizing weaknesses. Which the public would have attributed. To the product. “all of us who use the mass media.

For Work We Are The Shapers

By work we are the shapers of . Society. We can line data vulgarize this society. We can brutalize it. Or . We can help you reach the next level.” william . Bernbachhistory-of-copywriting-bernbach-volkswagen-think-small easy web marketingthe campaigns created by . William Bernbach for the Volkswagen Beetle in the . USA. His pen signed brilliant campaigns. Among which you don’t have to be jewis to. Love levy, with the aim of .

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