Home » Working in a Crisis: Options for Solving Problems

Working in a Crisis: Options for Solving Problems

To begin with, let’s try to figure out how working people should act in times of crisis. Many people today are confused about this issue. As practice shows, working in conditions of an economic crisis forces people to act according to one of four scenarios.

The first strategy : inaction. Unfortunately, this is the option that most people follow.
The second strategy : the “winter bear” scenario. Means going into “hibernation” mode. Also a very popular scenario, when people try to survive on existing supplies.
The third strategy : development in spite of everything. Especially gambling people try to develop by any means. Otherwise, this option is called the “casino player” strategy.

The fourth strategy : cost reduction

The money saved is invested in one’s own development. Experts have given this option the original name “VoLNa” (Faith, Love, Hope).
Now let’s look at each scenario in more detail.

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this option, with rare exceptions, brings in very little money;
there is almost always a lot of competition for such jobs – there simply may not be enough of them for everyone who wants them;
Applicants for such positions lack self-confidence – they tend to go with the flow of fate, which may hold unexpected and

Here we should recall the book

Hope is not a strategy”. Its title does not need explanation and is clear to many. However, in practice, during a crisis, people act as if hope is their only embracing the possibilities of the future strategy. In such times, a person subconsciously expects that the economic situation will improve sooner or later, sanctions bz lists will be lifted – and then they can start acting. As they say, hope dies last.

When there is a sufficient reserve of “fat”, you can do nothing special and calmly “hibernate”.

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