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85% of phishing attacks received by companies are by email

Phishing attacks can cause economic and reputational damage if successful. Mexico is one of the main countries affect by this type of attack in Latin America . The targets of criminals can be both individuals and companies.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a common type of cyberattack that targets individuals via email, text messages, or even phone calls and other forms of communication, usually by impersonating senders known to the recipient (e.g., government entities, package delivery companies, prizes, etc.). Its main goal is to trick the recipient into performing an action desir by the attacker, such as revealing financial information, system login details, or other sensitive information. Very often, companies are target by phishing attacks through their employees.
At Capterra, we have conduct a study focusing on comp swen whatsapp number data anies that have been target by this type of attack, in order to find out the most commonly us methods, whether employees have been train to identify and avoid them, among other issues.


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The survey was conduct among employees who have experienc a phishing attempt at least once at work. The sample is made up of employees and managers. Managers are those who hold senior management positions, are executive directors, or are the owners of the company. Employees are the rest of the workforce, made up  40% of gen z want more content from brands of individual collaborators, associates, middle and lower management.

The selection criteria for participants is that they must be residents of Mexico, over 18 years of age, work for a company part-time or full-time, and have been the victim of at least one attempt p loan data hishing attack, regardless of whether it was successful or not. You can read the full methodology at the end of the article.

Perception that phishing attacks have increas over the past 3 years

In the workplace, the perception of an increase in phishing attacks is considerable. Participants were ask how much, in percentage, they think this type of attack has increas in the last three years, and the answers were as follows.

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