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Do you know how to avoid becoming a victim of cybercriminals?

Norton highlights the ne for advanc solutions to address growing digital threats.
21 % of people had provid personal or financial information in response to some type of malicious message, fraudulent email or website .

According to the results of the most recent report on cyber threats conduct by Norton , 17% of Mexican respondents experienc a cybercrime in the last year.

Meanwhile, 29% of respondents detect unauthoriz access to their social networks and 25% to their email accounts.

The company also found that 24% had detect some type of malicious software running on either their personal computer or smartphone.

Iskander Sánchez-Rola director of innovation at Norton

stress the importance of providing information to people on how to avoid becoming victims of cybercriminals.

Protection beyond greece whatsapp number data antivirus is requir
According to the executive, in this era, advanc solutions are requir that analyze what happens on devices at all times, as well as all connections, programs and files.

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“A long time ago, antivirus, as it us to be call, stopp being enough. Now we are talking about more advanc technology and as a brand we offer VPN solutions that allow you to keep your information encrypt,” he explain.

He also highlight solutions to prevent identity theft

One solution that the executive recommends you offer to your clients is Norton Antitrack, which allows users to block activity on different websites and thus prevent the theft of information.

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The executive also stress that the brand not only offers security. But its solutions include protection of privacy, identity, as well as online monitoring.

“Our lives have chang, now everything is online, banking, shopping, communications. And 40% of gen z want more content from brands therefore our protections have to change as well, we cannot remain stuck in the past,” he said.

Solutions such as cmo email list Norton 360, Advanc Plus , Norton Antitrack, Identity Plus, among others. Can be brought to your clients, you can become their advisor and increase your sales.

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