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Entrepreneur Heroes Award – Why it works and what you can win

I spoke to Hannah from the organizer about this award and why you should take part. We also talked about typical problems faced by founders, their importance for Germany and a lot more.

You can still apply until September 30, 2017 !


Hello Hannah. Please introduce yourself to my readers.

Hello, I am responsible for the German-speaking colombia cell phone number list market and international partnerships at Debitoor. Debitoor is a simple online invoicing program that can be used to efficiently handle everyday accounting and collaboration with tax advisors.

What is the current situation for founders in Germany?

Due to the good labor market situation, the number of start-ups has recently declined. At the same time, the number of emergency start-ups has how to ıncrease sales with marketing resources: 4 working methods also decreased and the number of opportunity founders – i.e. those who want to implement an explicit business idea – has increased.

Overall, there are some framework conditions that could be improved for founders in Germany. For example, imparting entrepreneurial knowledge in the education system, easier access to loans and reducing bureaucracy.

How important are sole proprietorships in Germany and do politicians pay sufficient attention to them?

More than 60% of all self-employed people are sole proprietors and therefore play an important role. In principle, start-ups are recognized and promoted by politicians as a positive growth factor. The BMWi writes: “Start-ups are the basis for economic growth”. However, this is equated with innovative business models .

However, 80% of sole proprietorships are based malaysia data on traditional business models – hairdressers, geriatric nurses, photographers, etc. – they don’t necessarily have to start out with an innovative business concept. I think this fact is often overlooked.

This form of self-employment is often viewed negatively by the public and has no real representation of interests. This is exactly where we are addressing this with the Entrepreneur Hero Award 2017.

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