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How to earn better in AdSense

After that, you juAlmost every website operator knows Google AdSense. They often expect too much from this system, but it is true that you can almost always work your way up to better earnings. Just don’t be afraid to experiment.

Choose only effective surfaces
First of all, however, it is important to choose the right area, or rather its size. AdSense offers a large number of different sizes and shapes, but from my experience, I would recommend choosing a square-shaped area for your main income .

Surfaces have  performing

very well for the last few years and people are not afraid to click on them.

You can then choose your favorite 160×600 column as a secondary source of income. It fits perfectly into the side menu and can also earn decent money if it is placed appropriately.

Time is also important to consider. To explain, the popularity of surfaces changes over time. Roughly 6 years ago, the 728×90 screen was very popular. All you had to do was place it above your page and she was earning very well. Today, such an area in the same place earns almost nothing.

People already automatically ignore that bit at the top of the page, so this position is slowly becoming useless. And the same can happen to any surface.

So what applies today may not apply in another 2 years. So take that into consideration.

A good location is priceless

And that is why it is necessary to constantly look for it. Experiment. Not being satisfied with the current result and constantly trying something new. Even if only for a test – for a month.

Thanks to such tests, you may find that your current desktop is not so efficient and move the desktop to a different, more suitable place.

Although there are of course general recommendations . For example, you can place the already mentioned 300×250 square in the upper part of the article. I did several experiments and the place just below the title worked best for me. Before the article itself.

Above the headline, the ad makes no sense, people immediately identify it and don’t click. The ad placed directly in the article after the first paragraph is better, but it also does not have the same results as the one immediately below the headline.

The one at the end of the article appears to be another very suitable area. When people finish reading, they’re looking for more relevant information , and if your AdSense desktop provides them with it, they won’t hesitate to click.

This area can be very valuable for you italy phone number data because it just knows how to provide relevant Google AdSense ads.

phone number data

It’s worse in the menu and sidebars. In such places, you usually have to settle for less income. You can place any square or rectangle in a visible position in the upper part, but a lot depends on the specific design. Somewhere an area of ​​180×150 will come in handy, in other places 250×250 will easily fit.

I generally recommend 160×600, because 40% of gen z want more content from brands this area is stable in earnings and you always have to think that only 3 areas can be displayed on the website. And it is a shame to “pay off” this bz lists limit with a small area.st set the budget for your ad.

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