Home » Blog » IFT grants concession to Pemex for control of operations

IFT grants concession to Pemex for control of operations

The concession grants Pemex radio spectrum rights in the 406.1-410 MHz bands for 15 years.
Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) will monitor and control its wells, pipelines and other operations with the help of a radio spectrum band.

The Feral Telecommunications Institute (IFT) grant the oil company a 15-year concession for spectrum within the 406.1-410 MHz segment.

Spectrum that will allow you to operate a system for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) applications , which will analyze the operation, transportation and surveillance in real time.

“With the telecommunications project

the state-own company aims to guarantee communications relat to Pemex’s strategic operations.

“Such as: monitoring and control of wells; extraction of crude oil on offshore platforms; operation of refineries and petrochemical complexes.

“As well as, coordination of pumping products through pipelines, financial and administrative operations between work centers, among others . ”

IFT explains.
Pemex said that with the new assign band, all the transportation, storage and distribution systems for crude oil and petroleum products, which are locat throughout the country, will be review in detail.

The request to the IFT was submitt by the oil company at the end of 2019.

The band’s concession includes operations in: Coahuila, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Veracruz.

Equipment challenges
Jorge Bravo, president of the Mexican Association for the Right to Information (Ami) , said lebanon whatsapp number data that it is positive that Pemex can move closer to technological development.

The main challenge for the productive company will be the investment to exploit the spectrum band.

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“The greatest complexity is not only the time it takes to deploy the network, but also that this band requires expensive devices and terminals, since they are not sold on a large scale nor are they for end consumers .”

He said in an interview

He add that although there are providers of this technology, in many cases they. Do what should i post on my website? not offer products and services. For large markets, so the investment will be quite costly for Pemex.

In addition, in Mexico cg leads the band is assign in a corporate and business manner.

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