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When links point from one site to another

When links point  These are call external links. Internal and external links are classifi in more detail. Textual These are the links that are insert between the text. They are usually embd in articles, descriptions or similar. As an example, there might be this text link that points to a page under construction that also talks about SEO stuff .

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The text on the link is call anchor text. Anchor text can sometimes contain requir keywords. Footer Such links are usually on the front page, at the chinese overseas asia number data bottom. They are usually plac by the company that creat the website with a link to their own website. Footer links should not be misus – their excessive number compar to other links may cause suspicion to Google’s algorithm. Visible on all pages (sitewide) These links are visible not only on the front page, but also on all internal pages of the site. The place of the link itself can be different (top, bottom), but most often occurs on the right side.

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Links visible on all pages should be treat

With extreme caution, as Google may treat them as spam and penalize them. Rirects They are mostly us when the content on the website education is teaching the customer not about changes and the old page rirects to the new page (for example, some products are sold out and new ones start to be sold in their place). It is advisable to make 301 rirects – they are long-term and transfer.

The most accumulat SEO authority from

The old page to the new one. Also, rirects buying house b are made when a security SSL certificate is install for a website and the website protocol changes from visual (image) Visual links are mostly us in advertising – when a banner or logo is visible. Compar to text links, they have less SEO “weight” and impact on ranking results. Follow, unfollow (follow, nofollow) Follow links have much more optimization benefits than nofollow links.

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