What is social selling? With social selling, salespeople use social media channels to interact directly with their potential customers. They answer questions from prospective customers and offer thoughtful, relevant and specific content until the desired customer is ready to buy. This can take time, but it is worth it if you approach social selling correctly. You can find out how to do this in this article.
A large part of the customer journey is digital and certain social media channels are perfect for your sales team. Channels where your ideal customers look for online reviews, read comments in forums and watch videos. This is also where they find out more about your products and services.
Social Media Marketing : The goal is to reach these people during their research phase in order to influence their purchasing decision at an early stage.
How to approach social selling correctly: 11 tips for your daily work
Plan well
1– Who do you want to reach? First, create your buyer persona(s) , a representation overseas chinese in worldwide data of your ideal customer, to gain clear insight into the needs and preferences of your ideal customers.
This way, you can target them specifically and tailor your strategy to this target group. If you understand the buyer persona(s), you can offer relevant content that is tailored precisely to the needs and interests of your potential customers. To do this, develop a social media strategy and goals that are SMART.
Follow your ideal customers
2 – Use social listening to gain insights.
Social listening is when companies monitor the social networks they use for their brand and use mentions and feedback to find out how well their brand, products and services are being received. They also learn how they use the channel, what topics they talk about and what other channels they use.
It is also important that you follow the right people .
Don’t be random. Make a list of companies or people you what is a adaptive sales funnel and how does it work? want to build a relationship with and follow them.
Follow people who either match your persona or otherwise fit:
- They correspond to your buyer persona as potential buyers of your product or service.
- They provide industry information that benefits your customers and prospects or your company.
- You expand your network (e.g. partners or suppliers).
4 – Following the right people can help you expand your following at the same time .
This expansion can take some time, but make sure you focus qatar data on quality rather than quantity. After all, what good is it if you have thousands of followers but they don’t buy any products or services from you?