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What kind of advertising can be launched on “Clerk”

Today, “Clerk” is not only the largest portal of news and expert information for accountants and entrepreneurs, but also a full-fledged media resource with a large selection of advertising formats.

Why “Clerk”?

We are especially proud of the audience of “Clerk”: among the 7 million unique users who visit the site every month are accountants, top managers, HR managers, lawyers and entrepreneurs.

The majority of the Clerk audience lives in Russian cities with a population of over a million — 73%. In Moscow and the region — 37%, and in St. Petersburg — 8%. 

Our users represent an active and solvent age segment of the audience – from 25 to 54 years old, in which 62% are women and 38% are men.

Clerk users are the ones who actually make decisions and manage budgets , and with direct access to them, taiwan phone number list you can easily bypass all barriers.

What advertising formats does Klerk offer ? We do not limit our advertisers in their choice and work with a variety of formats: we create and place text and visual content, launch interactive special projects. And we always take into account the sphere, specifics and values ​​of the business.

Now, let’s talk about what kind of advertising you can run on Clerk.

Advertising on “Clerk”

Promote your business

Content Marketing

Today we can say with confidence: content marketing has changed the market. And although many traditional tools are still effective, without publishing expert content, it is almost impossible to create a strong brand and gain the trust of the audience.

Content marketing solves the same problems as “traditional” tools: it increases reach, increases brand awareness, helps collect leads, and attracts traffic to the site.

In essence, content marketing is, to some extent, “advertising without advertising”: we don’t push a product, but create conditions so that a potential client wants to buy it himself.

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  • Article placement. On “phone list” you can place your own materials, for example, texts about the company’s product or services. The advertiser sends us an article, and our content managers post it on the site. The price of the service also includes an announcement on the main page, in the UB (Morning Accountant) newsletter and in our main Telegram channel.
  • Writing and publishing articles. We know that our advertisers do not always have the time and opportunity to create content, so we are ready to offer our help. Our editors will take on all stages – from selecting a relevant topic and writing the text to developing the cover and publication. We will definitely take into account the tone of voice of your company and the needs of the audience.
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