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WiFi Advertising: Is It Effective for Your Business?

In this digital era, every corner of public space seems to be filled with WiFi connections. Starting from coffee shops, shopping centers, to other public places. But, did you know that WiFi is not only free internet access, but also an increasingly popular promotional media? Well, this is what is called WiFi Advertising. But, is advertising via this WiFi network really effective? Let’s discuss it thoroughly!

Try to remember when you were hanging out at a cafe, and suddenly before you could connect to WiFi, an advertisement appeared. On the one hand, you might be a little annoyed because it was disturbed, but on the other hand. you still saw it, right? Well, that’s the power of WiFi advertising. Simple, straight to the target, and sometimes without us realizing it, quite effective! But, is WiFi advertising really an effective way for your business? Let’s discuss it further.

1. More Targeted Targets

One of the main advantages of WiFi advertising is its ability to target consumers more specifically. These ads usually appear on public WiFi hotspots, who sees them are people who are already at that location. This is a golden opportunity for local businesses, such as restaurants, clothing stores, or cafes, to directly connect with customers around them.

It’s like a new way to ‘chat’ directly with visitors without having to interact physically. According to a study from Purple WiFi, the user response rate t cambodia telegram data o WiFi ads is up to 30% higher than regular digital ads because of its contextual and location-relevant nature.

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2. Cost-Effective

In the world of advertising, cost efficiency is ever 40% of gen z want more content from brands ything. When compared to conventional advertising media such as billboards or even digital ads on large platforms, WiFi advertising tends to be more a cz lists ffordable, especially for small and medium businesses. Well, with a lower cost, you can reach people who are physically located in locations that are relevant to your business!



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